to the Lair. My name is Skye and the Lair is a reinventing of my old pagan website SkyeWolf's Place. For an introduction and somewhat of an explanation please see the first post entitled Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit.

I am a gothy Dark Pagan with heavy leanings toward the Celtic tradition, and a smattering of Kemet, Hindu and Santeria. Just a little eclectic... I am a freelance artist who works in digital (and the occasional pencil sketch) and does fantasy and science fiction. I am also the Art Director and general go-to girl for a small press publishing company.

I hope you enjoy your time here with me and stop back often to visit. Bring a friend. :)

Letting Go

Thinking about New Year's resolutions and my resolution years ago never to make them. They set you up for failure. I think the new year should be about letting go. Letting go of all the old crap you carry around with you from the year before. Recognize that your life has wonderful things in it, wonderful people. Yes, the coming year is bound to drop some crap on you whether you like it or not so why drag all the old crap into the coming year as well?

I have wonderful friends, smart, talented, beautiful children and a loving family. I have a roof over my head, plenty of food to eat and enough left over (usually) to have a little fun now and again. I have a job that I love, a coworker who keeps me sane and others who make me crazy (but that's another post) and I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

Did bad things happen this year? Of course they did. Can I let go of them, get past them and start the new year with a positive attitude, grateful for the things I have? Of course I can. So can you.


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