to the Lair. My name is Skye and the Lair is a reinventing of my old pagan website SkyeWolf's Place. For an introduction and somewhat of an explanation please see the first post entitled Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit.

I am a gothy Dark Pagan with heavy leanings toward the Celtic tradition, and a smattering of Kemet, Hindu and Santeria. Just a little eclectic... I am a freelance artist who works in digital (and the occasional pencil sketch) and does fantasy and science fiction. I am also the Art Director and general go-to girl for a small press publishing company.

I hope you enjoy your time here with me and stop back often to visit. Bring a friend. :)

Life is Short. Be Happy.

It's fairly simple really. Human beings make it harder than it has to be. I'm as guilty as the next person of making life complicated. We make plans and they go awry. We get angry. Why? I've learned, recently, just how much energy people, myself included, waste on negativity. Just be happy.

Do one thing every day that makes you happy. I'm not talking about buying yourself a new car or quitting that job you hate. I'm talking one thing.

One. Little. Thing.

Every day.

Compliment someone, listen to the laughter of a child, smile, be nice, say good morning, lay on your back and stare at the clouds. Laugh, stop and listen to the wind, let it wash over you, enjoy the colors in your day, notice how blue the sky is, how soft the grass is.

Live your life every single day.

Tell someone you love them.

Life is short. Be Happy


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