to the Lair. My name is Skye and the Lair is a reinventing of my old pagan website SkyeWolf's Place. For an introduction and somewhat of an explanation please see the first post entitled Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit.

I am a gothy Dark Pagan with heavy leanings toward the Celtic tradition, and a smattering of Kemet, Hindu and Santeria. Just a little eclectic... I am a freelance artist who works in digital (and the occasional pencil sketch) and does fantasy and science fiction. I am also the Art Director and general go-to girl for a small press publishing company.

I hope you enjoy your time here with me and stop back often to visit. Bring a friend. :)

Getting Rid of Negativity

I am deep down, bone weary tired. I am truly hoping the peace of mind I get from having all of my important things moved is worth it in the end.

Once again, I did want to write a post but it seems as if my brain has decided to pack it in for the night. So, once again, we dig into the files for something I wrote that used to be on my old website. I'll be doing this, or a variation of it, tomorrow when I set up my new space at the new apartment so I thought it might be appropriate here.

It's always good to start off anywhere with a cleaning. We move into a new apartment and no matter how surface clean it seems we always clean it ourselves before moving in. It's just something we feel. Cleaning does more than get rid of dirt and grime. It puts our energy into a place, it makes it our own.

When you move into a new place, especially apartments or houses that have been lived in many times before (The apartment I am moving to is in a building built in 1892) it's always a good thing to cleanse the house on a more spiritual level too. Whether you're Christian or Pagan or Hindu or Buddhist you can perform certain rituals specific to your faith in order to cleanse your space and clear any lingering negativity. Below is a ritual I wrote a few years ago to cleanse our house. Some of the lines may seem a little hokey, I'm not the best poet in the world. Feel free to change it to suit your own needs.

To Cleanse Negativity from a Place

Needs: White Candle, Consecrated water, Consecrated Salt, Sage bundle, Heat proof bowl, tray to carry objects from room to room

Light the white candle and sage. Hold the candle out in front of you and torn a slow circle, clockwise, and say:

“Fire to burn away the past.”

Turn in another slow circle clockwise, sprinkle a little water and say:

“Water to clear our troubles at last”

Turn in another slow circle clockwise, sprinkle a little salt and say:

“Earth to ground us and keep us sane”

Hold the sage out in front of you and turn once more in a slow circle clockwise and say:

“Air to lighten our spirits again.”

Spread your arms wide and say:

“This space is free from negativity
As is my will, so mote it be!”

Continue to the next area to be cleansed and repeat until all areas are done.

By SkyeWolf


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