to the Lair. My name is Skye and the Lair is a reinventing of my old pagan website SkyeWolf's Place. For an introduction and somewhat of an explanation please see the first post entitled Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit.

I am a gothy Dark Pagan with heavy leanings toward the Celtic tradition, and a smattering of Kemet, Hindu and Santeria. Just a little eclectic... I am a freelance artist who works in digital (and the occasional pencil sketch) and does fantasy and science fiction. I am also the Art Director and general go-to girl for a small press publishing company.

I hope you enjoy your time here with me and stop back often to visit. Bring a friend. :)

Slight delay...

I've been remiss in my blogging lately. The last week or so has been spent either packing, moving furniture or sleeping. With the one exception of the other night when I took a much needed, much appreciated night off in the company of a good friend.

I'm exhausted. I'm not sure what's more tiring though. The physical labor of actually moving or the mental chaos you suffer from existing in two places at once, once you get to that crucial point where most of what you own is at the new place but you're still not quite ready to take up residence. I keep going to look for things I need only to realize they're not *here*. Frustrating.

In case you're wondering, yes this post will probably be just one long ramble for the sake of rambling. I promised myself I'd keep up with this blog and I'm going to. It's been too long between posts as it is, so even a long, winding, rambling post is better than silence.

As long as I'm rambling, I need to thank the friends that have been keeping me sane this past month or so. You know who you are.

Today is a much needed day away from packing and moving furniture. I am catching up on neglected work, something my boss is probably highly thankful for at this point. Moving has put a damper on my plans to regulate my work day better. I'm rotten at time management as it is so spending hours of my day packing or moving doesn't leave a lot of time for work. I'm so tired at night that while I sit here and make a valiant attempt at accomplishing things, I find an hour has gone by and I'm just staring at the screen. Today though, I've managed to actually cross lingering stuff off my to do list. (Though the more I sit here the more aches and pains I discover.)

Alright, looking at the clock, I've wasted enough time on this for now. Be good everyone....I'll be back eventually with something meaningful, I promise.


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