to the Lair. My name is Skye and the Lair is a reinventing of my old pagan website SkyeWolf's Place. For an introduction and somewhat of an explanation please see the first post entitled Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit.

I am a gothy Dark Pagan with heavy leanings toward the Celtic tradition, and a smattering of Kemet, Hindu and Santeria. Just a little eclectic... I am a freelance artist who works in digital (and the occasional pencil sketch) and does fantasy and science fiction. I am also the Art Director and general go-to girl for a small press publishing company.

I hope you enjoy your time here with me and stop back often to visit. Bring a friend. :)

Routines or Lack Thereof

It's been months since I posted here. In the interim I think I've built up and torn down my life at least twice. That's a lot for three months I'll admit but I think I'm better for it. So far 2010 is turning out to be a pretty good year for me personally. Things feel like they're moving forward. "Things" is such a nebulous word I know. I feel like if I could just settle myself into a routine everything would be perfect.

But I can't get there. Try as I might something keeps breaking up my "routine". The harder I try the more unsettled things get. I have a good job if I could sit at my desk for more than a half hour at a time and do it. The problem is it's not the kind of job you can get up from every ten minutes. I'm an artist. I get into a frame of mind. If you interrupt me it takes me time to get back to that frame of mind if I get back there at all.

I feel as though I'm whining and maybe I am. What I'm really doing is looking for the solution. I work when I can and the longest span of uninterrupted time is at night after everyone goes to bed and leaves me alone. Unfortunately I don't have the kind of life where I can work all night and sleep half the day away. I have a family that needs me during the daylight hours. My body has adjusted to 5 hours of sleep a night and I exist on Red Bull and coffee. Not the healthiest way to live I'll admit.

I just wish I could find a way to exist in the moment without having to recreate the moment every ten minutes. If anyone has a solution for me, I'm all ears. Otherwise I guess I'll just flail blindly until I stumble upon something. Either way, you'll all be the first to know.

Sorry for the absence. I'll try to keep up a little better now. :)



Skyla Dawn said...

Solution: Duct tape and a secret room in the basement where no one will find the gagged and tied people.

You're welcome.

(Remind me of this solution in two years when I have kids.)

Anonymous said...

Agreed with Skyla, it's the only thing that REALLY works. Or a desert island.

Then people ask me why I get ecstatic when hubby goes away on working trips.

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